Monday, August 26, 2019

Lyric's Birth Story

On the day before my due date, my mother-in-law said, “When do you want to have the baby?”  I immediately thought “right now” but thought it would be more appropriate to say, “Tomorrow!”  She said I will pray for that. Evening came on my due date and I started to have some irregular contractions I was hopeful might be pre labor. I called my mom and said I thought I would probably just pick her up in the morning but that I wanted Andi to stay the night at her house just in case. Truthfully by the time my mom came to pick Andi up I thought I might actually go into labor that night or the following morning. I picked up the house and then Paul and I decided it would be best to rest so we got in bed. Paul immediately fell asleep and I immediately realized I wouldn’t be doing any sleeping so I got up and began to labor in the living room. Just me and my birthing ball. I was determined not to get to the hospital too early so I got into the zone.  
I did a lot more preparation for my second birth than my first. I needed a different experience, and spent time thinking through what I wanted and how to achieve that. I can’t stand that some people are made to feel shame for getting an epidural as I think it is a very personal decision, but I really wanted as few interventions as possible. So I focused on breathing and staying present. I came up with some phrases that meant something very specific to me. Super simple like you can do it. Breathe. Trust your body. Stay present. These stayed in my mind and helped. Two hours flew by and all of sudden I wanted Paul. So I began yelling his name in between contractions but he wasn’t waking up. My labor was progressing so fast it felt overwhelming to me to walk in to the bedroom and wake him up. After a few tries between contractions however I did just that. He was completely shocked and freaked out as he could see I was really in labor and my contractions were coming hard and fast (maybe five minutes apart lasting over a minute and a half). He tried to time them and I definitively told him I did not want him to so of course he tried to secretly time them. I tried to take a bath but that didn’t feel good. We decided to ask my doula to come over. A few minutes later however after a particularly strong contraction, I said “I need to go to the hospital now” and we pretty much ran to the car. 
Tina met us there and when we got there I surprised everyone and asked for a wheelchair haha. I remember seeing Tina and Paul give each other the raised eyebrows. It was intense! On our way to the room to get checked and monitored I had a contraction and the nurse said, “Is this your first or second baby?” I said, “second.” And she said, “Honey we are taking you right to your room. You are definitely staying.” Good thing because I was already dilated to an 8. From there it was a blur of answering questions, peeing in a cup and being monitored which I HATED and kept asking them to take off but they refused. My doctor was brand new and in her twenties. I was one of her first births so she was most comfortable with me on the bed. I remember asking if I could just be naked while the nurse was trying to help me get my gown on after peeing and she said no. That seemed incredibly silly to me as I was about to have a baby. Paul was incredible. I wanted him to be confident and assertive. I shocked myself with my own assertiveness refusing to answer questions that I deemed dumb and had already answered 1 million times throughout the pregnancy so they let Paul answer for me until they got to the does anyone abuse you question and Paul said no. They looked at me and I confirmed. I remember Tina dabbing my forehead with a cold cloth in between contractions. Such a welcome relief. Then I said I wanted to change position but I wasn’t sure what position. Tina asked if I could stand up and the doctor said yes. I stood up and panicked thinking I was about to have the baby. Turns out I delivered my water unbroken. Paul said it looked just like a water balloon. Things were already moving fast and after that I was just about ready to push so the doctor made me get back on the bed. And in one round of pushing, maybe a few quick contractions but no break he was out. No tearing this time. I panicked when I saw him because he looked like a blue alien and asked if he was okay. But he was perfect. My second thought was holy cow he is so big. My whole body was shaking as I held him for the next few hours. I was overwhelmed and exhausted. I remember thinking to myself I think next time I want to have a home birth and if not I want the epidural.
How incredible to be a woman and have the privilege of bringing new life into the world. My tips: hire a doula. Think about what you want and what might derail you and talk with your husband about it. And don’t be afraid to be vocal. I don’t think I could have had a quiet natural labor. There is nothing to be ashamed of. I never once felt like I couldn’t do it. I knew I could the whole time and that was the feeling of empowerment I was looking for. 

Friday, September 8, 2017


I was the crazy girl in college who did everything – school, work, friends, boyfriend, family time, helping to run a ministry and lead two Bible studies.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  I went out for a sunny six mile run down my favorite country road.  When I got home I went right to my phone to find 12 text messages and 6 voicemails waiting for me; and they were all from different people needing or wanting something from me.  That was my breaking point because I realized that was my normal and it was too much.  I spent the next month lying in bed feeling unable to get up.  I was diagnosed with depression in the form of fatigue and had to take a quarter off school because I was just so tired.  My body forced me to begin to learn how to say no.  I was a yes girl.  I really believed that becoming more like Jesus meant saying yes more – yes I’ll have coffee with you, yes I’ll bring homemade cookies, yes I’ll babysit him, and take all of your Pilates clients while you heal from surgery.  When I realized that becoming more like Jesus doesn’t actually mean becoming more extroverted and it definitely doesn’t mean being everything to everyone my life started to change.  I stopped wondering if I really knew God because I started to actually get to know Him.
One of the very hardest things for me is being okay with letting people down.  Especially people I care about.  And remembering everyone is on their own journey.  It’s the people who feel like they can’t say no and must do so much that have the hardest time with me saying no and that makes sense.  I have to be okay with it even though sometimes I’m totally not.   Since I can remember I have felt like I am always letting people down.  Like almost everyone in my life wants more of me than I either have to give or want to give.  And it’s painful.  Add to that what I’ve been learning recently – the art of slowing down and the feeling seems to be magnified.  I fear that I am perceived as super selfish.  And I am selfish so maybe that is fair.  But it hurts.  The thing is though, I can’t look back.  I feel like I am finally becoming someone I want to be.  I am filled with joy and present to my actual life as it is today right now in this moment. I am better able to live out my priorities not the priorities someone else has for me or would like me to have.  And most importantly, I feel like I am finally beginning the life long journey of keeping in step with the Spirit.  And that is the answer to everything really.  Should I say yes to this or no?  Should I do this or not?  That is what keeps me up at night.  The balance between rest and sacrifice.  Pouring out and filling up.  Giving freely and having something real and meaningful to give.  Bringing Heaven to earth instead of trying to make my life on earth Heaven which I am certainly guilty of.  I live in the tension of feeling like I’m not doing enough and knowing that I am enough and maybe God isn’t asking me to do as much as people want me to.  And maybe sometimes He is asking me to do more. 
            I’m so thankful that I’m not missing my daughter growing up.  I’m not wishing away any stages or wondering how I’m going to be married for another fifty years.  Instead I’m wishing for more kids and another hundred years of marriage.  The changes are small but aren’t most real changes small?  I am able to sit on the couch and listen to my husband tell me about his hard day at work because I have space in my day for that now.  And that is new and it matters.
Maybe I’ve needed to swing too far to the rest side in order to learn how.  But if so I’m open to God using me.  Stetching me.  Calling me in to hard things. At least I want to be.  I’m just tired of doing things to prove my worth to people and believing the lie that if I enjoy my life I am doing something wrong and should feel bad about that.  In writing this what I have realized is that I’m tired of feeling guilty that I want to prioritize having time to make my family a yummy healthy dinner at home most nights.  You wouldn’t believe how many nights someone would like me to do something else. Or maybe you completely understand.  I’m seeing that change does not come without pain and I want to stay in the tension.  I am aware that I may be prioritizing myself too much but I also know that I never ever want to go back to the frantic rushed proving life I used to live.  And maybe that is the only way I could really learn that I thrive with a slow pace, spontaneity, and simplicity and I will keep fighting for that.

As I look forward to turning 30 tomorrow, I’m inspired.  I feel like I’m ready for a year of giving and connection.  And that will be a big change.  I have rhythms in place in my life to be able to hold on a little looser to my time and still be okay.  Better even.  I won’t be giving or connecting in order to fill a need in myself – to make people like me or view me a certain way.  Or even in order to view myself a certain way.  Of course I will sometimes but not like I used to.  Sincere love.  I’m excited.           

Monday, August 17, 2015

Big News

Coming Christmas 2015...

A baby girl!

We are excited for everyone to know.  And would like to apologize if you didn't hear from us personally or feel that you should have found out sooner.  You are not alone and we really do love you :).  We are super awkward about telling people and we don't know why.  I (Cait) am almost 22 weeks and the due date is actually Christmas day.  We are super excited to welcome little Dino (as we affectionately call her) into our family, most days.  A little unsure on the other days.  Either way we know we will get one of the the best gifts of our lives this Christmas season.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another New Beginning

Another New Year has begun and a season of new beginnings/resolutions has come with it.  What is it about the New Year that brings new commitments, resolutions and goals? And how come no matter how much passion, commitment and resolve we have to make this be the year our resolutions stick, they don't?  And how come by the end of February our resolutions will only be a distant memory if not completely forgotten? 

We like the idea of new beginnings and resolutions because to some degree we are all deeply dissatisfied with who we are and how we live our lives. We are not dissatisfied with who God made us to be, but rather with our perception that we are constantly falling short of our God given potential.

Why don’t they stick? Many reasons – we are addicted, our will power is not as strong as we want to believe, we naturally revert to selfishness, we don’t like change… but what is at the bottom of all those? We don’t have a clear vision of what the future could look like.  The vision we have is not strong enough to motivate the change to take place.  A vision that is strong enough can only come from God.  This year spend time asking God what he wants you to change.  Ask God to give you a picture of what your future can look like. Write it down. Pray it. And constantly remind yourself of that picture. Allow yourself to celebrate the small steps along the way and dream of the big steps yet to come. With that being said here our some of the ways God is challenging us to grow this year!

For Paul
1.    To begin to boldly, passionately and unapologetically follow through on the steps I believe God has given me to reach the community of Davis. 
2.    To practice the Daily Office. The Daily Office is setting aside 3 intentional times a day to spend in the Bible and Prayer. This may be 5 minutes, ½ an hour or more.
3.    To read a book a month.

For Caitlin
I (Caitlin) am sad to say that my resolution will be very challenging for me.  It is something Paul is naturally very good at and I admire him for it.  I resolve to so sincerely want THE BEST (not just good) for people that I am willing to help them achieve success in whatever way that I can.  I will not let jealousy get in the way.  It’s such a freeing resolution I know it must be from God.  I know God does that for me and I really believe helping others thrive and succeed is a great way to point them to Jesus.  

What are your resolutions?!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Date Night

Every other Saturday we have much anticipated "date night."  Paul is amazing (clearly Caitlin wrote this sentence and Paul is usually the one forgetting) and usually plans something totally creative and fun and then Caitlin ruins it.  Tonight we went to our favorite restaurant Dos Coyotes, and then to Origins Coffee and Tea.  All the proceeds Origin's makes go towards ending human trafficking.  And the employees all work for free!  We highly recommend it.

Why do date night?

Caitlin - It means a lot to me that we still date :).  I love looking forward to something fun through our busy weeks.  I love that we are best friends and with out date night I think it would be easy to slowly grow apart.  Date night makes me feel loved and incredibly grateful to God for Paul.

Paul - So many people grow apart from the "love of their life". Why? I believe it is because we forget why we married them in the first place.  During our busy lives we live shoulder to shoulder, forgetting the fun we had in the beginning.  Date Night brings us back face to face.  When I see Caitlin face to face my heart melts.  She is definitely the most beautiful woman in the room where ever we go. Her eyes twinkle at me as she grins from ear to ear.  We get to have meaningful conversation that is life giving to both of us.  And most importantly I see the amazing, beautiful woman who God blessed me with as my wife!!!

Paul and Cait

P.S.  If you have young kids we would love to babysit for you while the two of you go on a date!